Welcome to our 21st Century Learning Center DELTA Academy. Florida 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) is a federally funded program that provides students in low- performing schools with an array of academic enrichment activities outside the regular school day at no charge to its participants. Adult family members, of actively participating students served by 21st CCLC, are also offered educational and personal development opportunities.
The 21st CCLC DELTA Academy is an out-of-school time enrichment program for middle school students at no cost. Our goal is to support and prepare students for global citizenship in the 21st century by providing them with enhanced skills and tools necessary to function in a global economy. Fun, hands-on project based learning activities will be offered to students that will incorporate: science, technology, engineering, the arts and math (STEAM), physical activity, healthy living and sports instruction. Homework assistance and targeted tutoring will also be provided to students by certified teaching staff in needed academic areas. In addition to providing academic and personal enrichment, the staff will build caring and positive relationships with their students serving the needs of the whole child.
One of the requirements of this program is that students attend regularly and remain in the program until closing time. In addition, we ask that parents participate in at least two family events throughout the year. We offer monthly events on site for your convenience. Please understand that these requirements must be met in order to attend our program.
The DELTA Academy…. A safe place where students can collaborate, innovate and shine through deeper learning experiences.
Thank you and we look forward to serving your child(ren) and you!
The District School Board of Pasco County has received grant funding to operate the below-listed Middle School level 21st Century Community Learning Centers.